Thursday, July 26, 2007

Going and Going

A big magic level tonight - 87 magic. With lunar spells, I can teleport to Catherby. With regular spells, I can enchant onyx jewelry. Now, I can use my lava staff effectively in the Mage Training Arena by casting onyx enchant. It gives me more XP (though less than outside the arena) and changing those 6 dragonstones will give me big bonuses to pizazz points.

L0rd Vega kindly smithed 3 rune axes for me. I made some tarromin and marrentil tar for - mouse moment. BRB.

Okay, hubby saw a mouse jump out of the wall and over his foot. He freaked, naturally, and we took time to go huntin'. No mouse found, but the little fucker probably went right for a wall. Will these bastards *ever* go away?!?

Where was I? Oh, Thai Tong got his flavored tar for his orange salamander. He was very thankful and I was happy to do it. Isolakitten got an amulet of accuracy from me since she lost hers. That's the one item you can't get back except by buying/finding from someone else.

I'm down to 4k oak logs to transform into planks via magic. I've been debating on whether to schlep to/from the lumberyard or keep going with the spell. I miss regular spells as I use them for traveling and high alching. I think I'll keep on lunar until the planks are made, then it's the tedious task of making mithril armor stands.

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