Thursday, September 27, 2007

Road Trip!!

After hearing about Merch's fiasco at the Wilderness agility course, found here, I decided to take a vacation from my day to wander the upper levels of the Gielinor map. I packed up a knife (to cut through webs), a full flask of tea (the Wildy is a dusty, dirty place) and a rope (just in case). I teleported to Trollheim because I wanted to use the shortcut there. I got lost and nearly ended up at God Wars! I found the right shortcut and took it. The walk to my first destination, the lava maze, grew long. I got a bit hungry because I hadn't eaten lunch yet, tea can only satisfy you so much and the maze is pretty long, so I opened the gate by some lesser demons and hopped down the ladder. At the bottom, I notice these pretty red spiders surrounding me. I saw the lever I was supposed to pull - the KBD's doorbell, I guess - and I did just that.

I appeared in a large cavern with lots of red dots on my mini map. This is loose change from scared adventurers. I heard the KBD behind me and before I could turn to give him a hearty hello, he made a toasty Kitt Fox sandwich. Ouch.
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I showed up in front of Camelot's gate, none the worse for wear. My supplies were intact. I checked the kwuarm I have growing in Catherby, then tele'd to Varrock for another trip. I hadn't had a decent picture of the Chaos Elemental yet. It keeps exposing my film with its magic spells, but this time I used the digital camera that came with the tea flask to get this shot:
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It wasn't happy about getting its picture taken and chased me around the rogue's castle until it grew tired.

Next, let me check out that volcano north of here. I walked briskly along the blackened earth, up hills and through gullies until I found lava floes. There were minor tremors as I explored, but nothing earth shattering happened. I took a chance and walked across the rickety bridge which spans the center of the volcano.
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Feeling very brave now as I had seen no other players, I decided to see if I could get into the mage arena basement. I cautiously walked by the Ardougne lever, my eyes hawkishly watching the mini map for white dots. Wait, what? I'm here? I slashed at the 2 webs; it took a minute as my knife must've been dulled from carving out longbows. Okay, another lever. I pulled it and appeared in the basement. I spoke first with Kolodion, the man whom you must defeat to claim a god cape.
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Next I spoke to Lundail, the rune shop owner, about adventurers that come here. I tried the sparkling pool, but it merely made my boots wet.
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Well, I was done there. Time to head west to the agility arena and see what the fuss is all about. I've gone by the place many times on clue scrolls, but never stopped in. I had no idea what to do, so I followed what seemed logical to me at the time: keep right. I fell twice off the initial ledge. Over the ledge, through the pipe, swing, down the ladder (eek, skellies!), hop the lava and oh my god! I found the remains of Merch Gwyar's body! I wish I'd thought to bring my Guthix prayer book in order to say a few words to ease her rest.
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I went around once and left, going west through the ice spiders, ice warriors and ice giants. I followed the fence for a bit until I saw a fenced in area to the south. I stepped toward it, noticed it was the area of lesser demons I'd visited earlier. I skipped passed them and found the runite rocks for F2P.
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East of here is Red Dragon Island and my next stop. I still haven't seen anyone looking for a kill. I went through a gate after reading the appropriate Danger! sign. Oh, lookie: red dragons! There is one trapped on an island, but he would not stay still for a photo. I climbed up to the top of a hill and caught this lovely speciman:
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It's close to time for my herbs to be done growing, so I headed in a southerly direction after getting around the lava protecting the red dragons. I knew I would run across some green dragons eventually and made the choice to get a snapshot or 2 of anyone hunting them. I found 3 such players (who may've been bots or real players, I don't know for certain). I even had time for a refreshing cuppa.
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Mission accomplished! I returned to my walk, secure in the knowledge that Edgeville was somewhere to the south of me. I found the Zamorak mage and passed by an Abyssal runecrafter. A skeleton attacked me as I strolled by it. It got one last hit as I jumped the ditch, so I gave it a parting shot of my own:
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

*notes, with relief, that Kuemper has her ghostspeak ammy on*

That was a great travelogue!

Thank you for paying your respects to my bones. The afterlife looks a lot like Cammy and Lumby so far...