Sunday, September 2, 2007

Troll Much?

Normally I wouldn't advertise for a forum troll, but this is unadulterated bullshit that doesn't belong in the RuneScape General Discussion section.


Vaskor said...

I read it, then re-read... and I still don't understand what is being discussed there... sorry...

P.S. Plus I am now totally confused about the way monkeys are spelled.

Anonymous said...

First all I saw was the penguin.
Then I read it and was like.. huh?
I didn't get it either, lol.

kuemper said...

Cxkslei is on one of his forum rants again about something he doesn't like. The boy needs to learn to ignore things before his brain explodes.

I had to look up monkeys myself to see why it was bothering me.