Friday, August 3, 2007


I got my teal robes. I tossed on my law tiara. I took 28 law runes out of the bank. I went to Entrana. I hopped to World 99. I walked up to the line of crafters at the ferns. I turned my public chat and trade to On. I typed, "Kitt Fox Open!" in the chat window.

Then I stepped back, took off my clothes and jumped on the boat to Port Sarim.


I'm afraid one of the runners (said crafters, but that was a mistake) will trade more pure essence than I have law runes.

The company says pouches are okay. What if a crafter doesn't have enough laws to trade? What do I do? Drop the trade? Trade what I can? Trade some, craft them, then trade for the rest? I didn't want to screw it up, so I left.

I'm such a loser. Why do I even attempt to do things that force me to interact with other players? Because I'm repeatatively stupid, that's why.

Now I'm left with 1300 gp worth of robes I don't like or want. The joys of FFL. Yay. *rolls eyes*

My fucking stat sig isn't updating. I'm giving RuneScape Bits and Bytes until tomorrow to get my stat updated. If they aren't, out it comes.


Anonymous said...

Wait...were you trying to craft laws, or get them?

When I've done it for rc xp, I've found world 66 to be much faster as a crafter. You don't get ess back, but there's tons more people to trade with.

kuemper said...

I went to be a crafter. World 66 I find to be a nightmare with all the people.

Anonymous said...

I agree, w66 was very overwhelming for me at first. I think I'm like you in that I prefer to play with few crowds and as little interaction with real people as possible (they're just soooo stupid!). But once I got the hang of w66, it was kind of fun. It was out of my comfort zone until I got used to it...but lately I've tried to make my motto: "Fuck my comfort zone." It's kind of nice in RS and in real life.

lxnen said...

Hello, Teacuptime here! Sorry your trip to 99 didn't work out. I wish I'd found this fascinating blog earlier, but I've now bookmarked it and signed up to post comments. I understand about the freedom to swear too, I'm not feeling very ranty at the moment so I'll just say a quick 'pissflaps' for the sake of enjoying my freedom now and hold back the f-words for when they are really justified.

Fast laws is totally chaotic at the moment, as Jagex have added a line to the world select page that recommends it for law running, meaning there's a huge influx of refugees from world 66 who don't understand 99 is different to 66 no matter how many times yyou tell them.

I'm much more of a people person than you seem to be, but I have recently been crafting there with public chat off, just to shut the constsnt stream of drivel out, so I don't recommend you go back there until it calms down.

Your essence problem is quite easy to solve though, runners can't possibly give you more than 28 essence in one go, as they only have 28 inventory spaces.

They do occasionally give less, though. Some do 26, using the other 2 slots for fally tele runes, quite a few do 27 for no obvious reason. In this case, all you do is start with 28, and take 1 or 2 off it before accepting the trade. Eventually, seeing 28 a lot, they should cotton on and switch to 28 too.